
help me please i want to improve my chess

Your biggest aim is to capitalize on your opponents mistakes and minimize your own. Learning and understanding tactical themes and typical patterns for them will help you the best in that way. Over half your time you have for chess should be devoted to that by learning the various tactical themes and then reviewing/solving many patterns with those themes. The rest of the time should be devoted to learning basic endgame play, including the typical king and queen/rook mates, promoting and defending against lone pawn and king v king, and then following opening principles and playing/analyzing the games afterwards to see where you went wrong. Have fun learning chess!

Whatever road to chess improvement you choose, just remember that you will get from it what you put into it.
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I would say find 1 opening for white and 2 openings for black (against e4 and d4) and then stick to them. Don't stop learning them until you get an opening advantage in almost every match.

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