
Getting better at chess

I've been a frequenting lichess for over a year now. I have been through books and articles, I've done puzzles and tried to learn however I can but I seem to be getting worse at chess. I peaked at 1500 in January and since then I have never been in the ball park at all. Is there something I should try or is it time for me to accept that this is my level?

I know the truth can be harsh but please don't hold back even if it is.
Work harder if chess is what you love work as hard as you can. As @arushvemuri once said there is no such thing as talent only hard work. I made that quote.
normal puzzles, i see this is a new account but it's puzzlerating is 1500 so .. yeah, do puzzles along with playing longer time controls.
Not a single classic game. During theses games you have time to think and to apply what you have learnt.
200 puzzles since last November is nothing, that's the harsh truth. Ten times that and you would have improved, guaranteed.
Practice longer time controls, improve your tactics, and work on strategic understanding. I've found that Daniel Naroditsky's speedruns on youtube can be very helpful for improving strategic understanding. Also, watch top level events. A lot of times the commentators will explain certain moves or positions in great detail, which is very helpful even for players of my strength.
@blindomniscient you have to conceptualize what you've learned. Play longer games and apply what's been learned. What I always tell people that are stuck is simply to look for the best move on the board. Stop making random pawn pushes and one or two move threats. Stop trying to go for tactics that MIGHT work, but can be easily refuted. Develop, improve your position. At your level, simply playing a solid game-something I know you're capable of-will lead to mistakes by your opponent. Learn about ideas like attacking weaker pawns, rerouting pieces, etc. At your level I was much too caught up in tricks and crazy attacks, when all it took to improve was very simple play. In an equal position with pieces on the board, there will always be an improving move.
Truth is that at your level you can have huge improvement. Do not give up but try harder. Both play and study(i am seeing you are doing it here on lichess). As suggested some time for puzzles is a good idea(but do not steal time to opening repertoire or general chess strategy comprehension). Slowly but surely you will get improve. Hard work beats talent if talent does not do hard work. All the best!
PS: i did not give you more accurate info about training because seeing your account yoy are both playing(rapid is nice) and studying at the same time so i believe you are doing great in order to become stronger.
You need to play longer games, watch Ben Finegold, and you need to do this before every move:
1. Look out for CHECKS
2. Look out for CAPTURES
3. Look out for THREATS

Tactics decide games (mostly) when we are rated 2200 or less.

If you don't look out for things in that order you won't improve. If you take your time, and do that before every move you will eventually improve A LOT because 2000-1400 make A TON of tactical blunders. A LOT.

Do that, and you will improve.
1) Practice more tactics and
2) Practice endgames
3) Analyse lost games
4) Play longer time controls(minimum 10+x in or 15(+) min time control)
5) Play against higher rateds to know where you are lacking. It's becomes much more visible against them)
6) Do NOT study openings DEEPLY. Only learn the opening principles. General middlegame plans is not necessary at your level

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