
Can't chat

Did you try to click that square above chat (near notes)? If it is black, then just click it and it will became green.
@fleshlumpeater51 @starrymessenger42 @lichess
If there wasn't really a serious thing - I hope you get back to us soon - you are such a nice friend of us all.
@thibault please give fleshlumpeater51 free - he is an important member of our team.
also my friend matt050 got banned - he really did one little thing - but he made only this one blunder - else he is a really nice guy - he is lying in bed in hospital and love to play here and talk to me...

If they would know for what and for how long it would be more fair.
Also in normal life you don't lock away people without to know for how long.
Yes they do and it's a big thing and very hard punishment!
Just my thought - act wisely :*

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