
Can patrons ever get banned?

Can patrons ever get banned?
They gave money to the server but they still have done something wrong.
@kingalex245 said in #1:
> Can patrons ever get banned?
> They gave money to the server but they still have done something wrong.
Yeah, if that didn't happen the site would be known by its 'bias for the donators'
@kingalex245 said in #1:
>Can patrons ever get banned?

Of course. Patron status should not affect moderation decisions.
@anonmod said in #4:
> Of course. Patron status should not affect moderation decisions.

Does patrons get refund if get ban?
Probabbly not they give the money to a bunch of things and to @thibault but its a weird subject because it feels like they should get banned but they still helped lichess so maybe they Can just get their wings taken?? @ACT-YokMeng @ymcheng
It's worth remembering that if you are banned
for things that you are thrown into the pool of players who have the same problem (engine, for example)
you are not blocked from using the site entirely
you can still be a patron without any problems

"It's worth remembering that I give, it doesn't mean I have to give a benefit"
@anonmod said in #4:
> Of course. Patron status should not affect moderation decisions.

I suspect that they might get a bit more leeway, e.g. more warnings, but if egrenous enough I am sure they would be banned.

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