
Englund gambit

I don't know who played with white pieces, but his game is disgusting! If you look at the third move of Nf3, then what is the meaning of this move? Why not play Bf4?
Another point: black plays d6 and white immediately cuts this pawn, but why? Why not develop the figures? It was possible to play Bf4 or Nc3 again - it was necessary to lock up Black and seize the space!
The Ne7 move is beautiful because you can't cut it, but is it really that strong? It seems that black is trying to deceive white, but not to win. Nf6 would be stronger!
After the Bg5 move, White began to give up their positions because they allowed the queen on b2 and forgot about the check on c3! Bc6 is threatened and White loses!

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