
Taking The Move Back

how do you approach the taking move back requests on lichess. i usually accept if only i haven't made my move yet. after i made my move i don't accept the take back requests.
This game is my recent example
i played pretty bad at opening and middle game. practically offered a draw at move 26 and 27 repeating. He goes for win which i think game is a draw. after i put my rook on 2nd rank, i would take the a pawn and it's a dead equal position. then he blundered and "after" i made my move (which is mate in 2) he requested to take back. if he would do it before i played i would accept it but after i moved? even if it's a deadly blunder sorry..

what are your opinions on the subject?
Only if obvious misclick. If someone blunders, tough shit.
Takebacks are horrible. Sorry, I think the feature should be removed, but I suppose it's more acceptable in casual play vs. friends, so that's why it's here.

This is the only time I feel a takeback is acceptable. When it's a friendly game, whether with a new or old friend (i.e. someone is nice and chats with you in an unlimited game and makes a fairly understandable mis-click and actually REQUESTS of you IN CHAT by stating as know, because it's supposed to be YOUR decision to offer takebacks, not them to request it). There are really no other times when I think it should be permissible, because generally it's done after committing a blunder on a clock, which is just how timed chess works. Sorry. :)
its only a request. we can choose to deny it or if that's wasting time, ignore it lol. no need to overreact.
Whenever I deny a takeback request, the people get really mad at me??!! Also, a couple questions. Do you get a reward for letting them take back the move? Or do you get a punishment for not letting them take it back?
my thought is this:
if this is a rated game, screw him, i'm in for the rating

if its unrated bullet, it's too short and don't accept.

if it's unrated and it's a decent length game like 3 min or above, why not give him the chance back and lets both have an enjoyable game and might learn something.
I accept when it's an obvious mouse slip, otherwise you moved it you accept the consequence.

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