
sad to see this happen

i just played against Renba29 ....he made what he thought was a bad move and then started this in chat ....

dude common, my mouse slipped
my mouse is all messed up
cant you make a take back, so we can play fair?
wow dude, how noble of you, asshole

There should be point deductions for being this rude without reason to someone.
Takebacks dont fit into Rating-games and especially not blitz games.
I agree Huub, and I actually started a thread in the feedback subforum telling them they should remove the takeback option.

If it's obviously a genuine mouse slip I'll give them a takeback (example, pieces are being exchanged and on their turn to take a piece they mistakenly move one square away from it)

But in my experience, 99 times out of 100 there is no mouse slip and they just made a bad move without thinking.
Some of them can get really whiney and abusive if you don't accept the takeback. First they use the "Let's be civilized, be a gentleman and give me a takeback" type of comment, and if that doesn't work they start with the insults and profanity, which is kind of ironic since just a moment ago they were going on about being "civilized and noble" and 2 seconds later they're saying "f you you a-hole!"

Sometimes people will use the takeback request as a psychological thing when they lay a trap for you. I had a game recently where a guy purposefully moved his rook into a position that had I taken it, would have allowed him to royally fork me. It was pretty easy to see, but after he moved the rook into that bad position he immediately sent a takeback request and then cancelled it a second later. I guess trying to fool me into thinking the rook move was a mistake and not part of a trap.

And mchess97, we shouldn't have to disable our chats. Some of us like to say "gg" and other nice comments. We shouldn't have to always disable our chat boxes because of these whiney abusive kids who expect endless take-backs will be given to them.

But I will say Huub, I thought it was happening to me because I play at the lower levels and a lot of the people I play against aren't very experienced with chess or chess etiquette. It's nice to know people at the higher levels are just as big of d-bags as the people down here at the lower levels.
Thank you for your reply .... it does reflect also how i feel about it.

Disabling chat doesnt sound right to me, since i do like to exchange a nice welcome and perhaps even some other normal comments or remarks.

In my case with Renba29 he didnt even made a terrible move, he obviously just didnt see that :) But whatever move you make it never ever gives you the right to abuse or insult your opponent.

I would be in favor to report this kind of behavior and where repeated abusive behavior leads to be excluded from participating (for a period or permanent) here.

Chess and playing chess with someone should be fun and may of course lead to all kind of emotions .... but, just as in real live chess, you can't abuse/insult your opponent. Every move you made, was your move and your opponent had nothing to do with your choice ..... there can only be one to be angry or upset with in that case and that is ...yourself :)

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