
Puzzle vs normal elo

@MrPushwood said in #10:
> Puzzle ratings mean absolutely nothing.
Apparently puzzle rating means something. How well can you solve puzzles.

>The only thing that matters is ratings based on direct competition.
Rating for correspondence chess! And nothing else matters. Except the number of forum posts of course.
Puzzles have no value unless one can literally spot them in real time games against human opponent where pressure factor comes out of nowhere!
My puzzle rating is slightly higher then yours but my rapid is only 1100. I personally think puzzle rating is simply how much time you are willing to spend on each puzzle.
@FizzyFizz102 said in #13:
> My puzzle rating is slightly higher then yours but my rapid is only 1100. I personally think puzzle rating is simply how much time you are willing to spend on each puzzle.

Yeah thats true I have 200 higher puzzle then u but around 1000 higher ratings
@MrPushwood said in #10:
> Puzzle ratings mean absolutely nothing. The only thing that matters is ratings based on direct competition.

Puzzle ratings for players near the top of the leaderboard seem to be around 2500 ish. Beginners struggle to reach 2000. They might not mean much but to say they're meaningless doesn't quite seem right.
To me that's little enough meaning to qualify as meaningless. ;) Especially when others seem to take them far too seriously.
Puzzle elo shouldn't be used to compare skill, but solving puzzles will definitely help your chess.
Exception: me
To the OP in #1. Your current rapid rating is roughly around the same level as your puzzle storm peak. If you're looking for a comparative puzzle metric, then in my experience, it is better to look at modes which also include time controls. Hope that helps!
@Akbar2thegreat said in #18:
> Why do you think so?
I have a decent puzzle rating (2200), but puzzles are usually tactics. Games aren't fully comprised of those, which means that I'm not extremely strong as a chess player. {My puzzle} : {rapid rating} are rather disproportionate

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