
Cant get a game

Have tried for several days to start a game in various time controls and I havent been matched. Probably tried two dozen times at different hours of the day. I am using mobile app on iphone with good wifi. Not clear what might be the problem.
You can just use the lobby panel for playing.

I see you have a standard rating, just play in tournaments.
Hi , this same happened with me i just shifted to the website on a browser named vivaldi that lags a bit but thats pretty much good or if you want to continue using the app you can just try to clear the data of the app and then try to start a game after logging in , thanks good luck
sometimes it can take a while (minutes). But at your rating, I would actually expect enough players exist to get you matched rather quickly.
If you upated to iOS 15 recently, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app.
The app reinstall did the trick. Thanks!
I had the problem when switching from iPhone 12 to 13. Just reinstall.

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