
What's more important than money?

@RioMussignao said in #18:
> Yo Pinky. Sup?

I hate it when peoples call me pinky. THIS ACCOUNT'S NAME WAS MY SISTERS IDEA BECAUSE THIS ACCOUNT WAS BEFORE HER'S. The real truth is that I hate pink.
In my opinion, some things are more important than money, such as love, health, happiness, and personal fulfillment. While money can provide temporary happiness and security, it cannot buy authentic human connections, good health, or true inner satisfaction. Ultimately, our relationships and experiences are what give our lives meaning and purpose.
@CxliLov said in #24:
> In my opinion, some things are more important than money, such as love, health, happiness, and personal fulfillment. While money can provide temporary happiness and security, it cannot buy authentic human connections, good health, or true inner satisfaction. Ultimately, our relationships and experiences are what give our lives meaning and purpose.

Ofc than you never had much money.
Personal fulfillment, inner satisfaction and authentic human Connection.

Actually how can you have authentic human connection without money?

Onky with money can you find the people who you really want to be with.

How else could you ever find people like you who are authentic, if you are poor the people that are in you life are pretty small, what are the Chances that from such a small circle people are like you, but if you have money you can find people wjo think truly like you or have similar interest.

I mean a few thousands, compared to several billion. In reality you compromise but with money you can be with people like you
@binjetzterstbeimArzt I understand where you're coming from, but I have to respectfully disagree with your view. While money can certainly provide you with opportunities to meet new people and widen your circle, I don't believe it's a guarantee of authentic human connection. Many people with vast wealth still struggle with feelings of loneliness and isolation. In my experience, truly meaningful connections come from shared experiences, common interests and genuine empathy for one another. These connections can form anywhere, regardless of financial status. It's not about the size of your circle but the depth of the relationships within that circle. Of course, financial resources can also help support these connections. For example, being able to afford travel to visit loved ones or providing financial assistance during difficult times can strengthen relationships. But in the end, it's the emotional bonds and mutual respect that truly make a connection authentic.

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