
What's more important than money?

little does that term mean. More correct is economy; the world is all on to money because the money (tender) that is circulated is fiat and empty of value in other swords worthless. Someone has you chasing pipe dreams and illusions. Economy is only 25 % of what is valued , there are many ways to be rich trade is only one of them.
If you have the power you will get the money.
Really though the whole concept of money disgusts me. We don't value the man for who he is but for what he has.
It kinda reduces the human spirit to the squirrel with the most nuts .
My math textbook is defineitly more important than money. No arguments about that, please
shakespeare had something to say about this in one of the bards lesser known sonnets

Oh, what a wondrous gift the gods bestow,
The potent scepter of a manly frame,
That doth with vigour and with ardour glow,
And bringeth pleasure, glory and acclaim.

For though some hoard their wealth with miser's grip,
And count their coffers as their precious prize,
The truest treasure lies between the hip,
And in the loins where love and passion lies.

What use is gold, if one's vitality
Is spent and wasted, with no joy or cheer?
What worth has silver, if one cannot be
A virile man, with prowess strong and clear?

So let us cherish what the gods have given,
And live, and love, and revel in our heaven.
1. money
2. money
3. some way to get money

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