
Let's chat about lichess puzzles vs. and share tactic practice resources.

Hello, I'm really addicted to solving chess puzzles.

I visited and found their puzzle rating system tempted me to score more to beat my friends. I tried premium (Diamond membership) for two weeks and solved about 6000+ puzzles; my puzzle rating is ≈ 2700.

Unfortunately, when my trial period ran out, I needed to find a new source of puzzles to satisfy my needs. So, I came back to play on the website.

However, I found something interesting: the puzzle systems on both websites look different. I'm sure this site got its puzzles from real games in the database. When I tried to solve the tactic, I found it was more complex, like being in a different world. I tried to solve a puzzle of levels 1900-2000 on this website. Utilizing my pattern recognition skills was challenging and utterly different from, which I solved in less than a minute.

So I would like to invite you guys to discuss this and see if you agree with me.

And do you guys have any other fantastic sources to recommend?

P.S. I've heard about Chesstempo and CT-Art, but getting a silver/gold membership or buying those programs costs money.
I don't do puzzles on, so I cannot say if the ones here are harder. However, I like the fact that they are based on real games. The degree of difficulty increases steadily and once you reach a certain level you have to calculate accurately to find the solution.
Chessbase has a good selection of puzzles that you can access with a free account.
I prefer the puzzles on Lichess, especially when it comes to speed solving.
Chesscom has way too many backrank patterns in their speed puzzles. It started to annoy me after a while. Lichess feels more varied.
Maybe I'm off-topic : I like the fact that that lichess puzzles are not stopwatch(ed) ! no preasure
People around me used to tell me that puzzles were more interesting but after having played both I must say I now prefer lichess's : they are from real game and what I find amazing is the puzzles board where you can see where are your strengths and weaknesses
I don't play on so I can't say for certain which puzzles are better, but I can say that the Lichess puzzles seem pretty good in general, and as others have said, they are from real games which I consider a benefit. Lichess is also free (both libre and gratis), while requires you to run non-free JavaScript in your browser, which is reason enough not to use it.

@Kafka-on-the-Shore said in #1:
> I tried premium (Diamond membership) for two weeks and solved about 6000+ puzzles; my puzzle rating is ≈ 2700.

Even if you solved puzzles for 8 hours a day (which is quite a generous assumption), that's about 1 puzzle every minute. I'm not sure how puzzle ratings relate to Lichess puzzle ratings, but I know that I'm 2600 in puzzles here, and I spend considerably longer than a minute per puzzle on average. It doesn't seem possible for someone under 1500 rapid to get a puzzle rating that high, especially while only spending a minute per puzzle on average. Something isn't adding up....
Both are not very good. Lichess is not timed, so ratings have little relevance.
The games are from humans but it would have been much better for training to take only strong human games instead of games with multiple weak moves before the tactic appears. is timed (except for streak when the puzzles get too hard at some point to be timed) and the puzzles are tactics only but their rating system is very odd.

Chesstempo seems to be best and is pretty hard as well.

There are some weak players who are very decent at tactics. For humans chess is more than only tactics. If you are very weak at openings and strategy your tactical skills won't help much.
@Kafka-on-the-Shore I would suggest playing with Puzzle Streak because there is no time pressure and it's more important to be accurate than quick. First you get good, then you get fast. And I'm assuming that you played something like Puzzle Storm on because it would be very unlikely to solve 6000 puzzles in a couple of weeks as @AsDaGo suggests.
I play the daily puzzle at .com, and that's it for puzzles on that site.
I really like the unlimited/free nature of the puzzles here.
The ability to pick a theme is a good feature, so you can target a weakness; but I have always played the 'variety' setting.
I don't want to 'cherry pick' the puzzles so that they are all, in an easy category for me.
I admit to disliking end game puzzles, yet surprisingly the excellent 'spider web' graph , and improvement/strength section says I'm decent/ok at them

One thing I noticed is the better I get at puzzles, the longer it takes, both because the puzzles get harder and-- I don't want to lose the rating points when I'm as high up as I am.
Took months to get to 2500- and I got one wrong yesterday- carp- I'm below 2500 again. :( lol
@Geelse_zot said in #4:
> I prefer the puzzles on Lichess, especially when it comes to speed solving.
> Chesscom has way too many backrank patterns in their speed puzzles. It started to annoy me after a while. Lichess feels more varied.

they also have way too many of those puzzles where you win the rook in the corner in the opening which is a tactic that I don't see anyone upwards of 1000 falling for in a real game

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