
Unhealthy Rating Focus

So I’m always seeing messages on these forums about “ratings this” and “ratings that”. I am guilty of attaching my level of enjoyment to that number as well. Sad when it goes down. Excited when it goes up. I feel like it is unhealthy though to focus too much on ratings. Do any of you find yourself playing casual games to get off the rating focus rollercoaster? Anyone ever reconsidered playing rated games in order to protect a meaningless lichess rating? It sounds ridiculous, but I’m interested in hearing the experiences of others with this.
Yes. I agree and feel the same. I think I’m going to start from now on to only play unrated games. Thanks for a good post.
@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #3:
> Just a moment ago you told me how terrible your rating was and how unsatisfied you are because of it :P

Lol!! I was just messing around.
@Lars-trygve said in #2:
> Yes. I agree and feel the same. I think I’m going to start from now on to only play unrated games. Thanks for a good post.

I’m actually having more fun playing unrated as well.
I only play rated games when I am feeling my best, casual games otherwise. I have ratings turned off so I dont really see it that much
I play mostly unrated games these days. On one hand it's more chill and you get to experiment a bit more on the other it's so much easier to lose focus so I don't think it's really good for improving.
@Le_Patzer83 if you were born in 83, then you are likely to see rating erosion soon. You see, your fast twitch muscle fibers in your hand decline and you lose roughly 1% of your testosterone each year after 40. I suggest playing slower games to accommodate for your reduced mouse speed.
@Le_Patzer83 said in #1:
> I am guilty of attaching my level of enjoyment to that number as well.

If you want to get a healthier relationship to your rating, follow those 3 points:

1) Improve the rest of your life, get happiness and joy out of other things too, for example petting your pet.
2) Constantly remind yourself that the rating reflects your current performance, NOT your overall ability!
3) Play slower time controls on bigger screens in zen mode or blindfolded, don't focus on ratings in the first place!

Repeat those 3 things everyday for the next month and I promise you, you will care less about your rating plus it might eventually go up aswell, because you are more relaxed - I also wrote about this topic in my blog "Don't be so hard on yourself", I don't know if you have seen it, maybe it helps you or those who feel the same as you aswell.
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