
Is cheating for losers?

@Onyx_Chess said in #18:
> @mvhk a dit dans le #17 :
> Ouais, ce serait une excellente idée !
> Cela ne servirait certainement pas à grand-chose !
> Il est tout à fait évident à quel point l'intelligence objective et les personnes avec un score de balle de 2 500 vont de pair !
> Je ne suis pas du tout surpris que vous ayez un indice de balle supérieur à 2500 !
> Bien joué!
> Merci pour votre contribution brillante et productive au monde des échecs !
> Nous sommes tous tellement mieux avec vous ici pour nous aider tous tellement !
> Restez belle !

C'est tellement drôle de voir des anciens dans le déni le plus total et tellement dépassés par leur époque qu'ils pensent que des sites sur navigateurs sont l'équivalent de fort knox en terme de sécurité. De ne pas se rendre compte que si tous les joueurs trichaient, seulement 10% se feraient prendre, que les sites n'auraient (à ce jour) aucun moyen de les repérer mais ces gens restent persuadés que tout le monde est beau et gentil.

Allez plus loin que d'ouvrir votre boite mail le matin. Ton bot tu peux le coder en 10 min sur Excel si tu cherches un peu.

Aucun compte cité au dessus ne sera banni vu que les outils actuels ne permettent pas de les détecter (on refuse d'accepter qu'un tricheur va jouer autrement qu'avec un bot automatique, en bref la méthode d'il y a 25 ans).

Il est dit plus haut que le jour où on saura si les personnes trichent ça sera la mort des échecs en ligne. Comment dire, c'est déjà le cas, même au niveau pro ils ne savent pas comment le gérer, les organisateurs ne savent pas non plus le gérer, les développeurs ont tellement peu de moyens qu'ils ont 20 ans de retard sur les outils de détection.
Si tu attends qu'un outil vieux de 20 ans détecte un tricheur "moderne" c'est sur que tu ne vas pas en croiser beaucoup^^

Il y a des solutions, pas agréables, empiètent sur la vie privée mais qui ont fait leurs preuves dans d'autres discipline. Personnellement je suis prêt à payer un abonnement sur lichess si ça permettrait de financer ces anti fraudes.
<Comment deleted by user>
My answer to the subject post one question is No. It's not a victory. Assistance comes from external sources and methods. The clock at fast speeds is also destructive for the game. The proof is we have different ratings depending on the time controls. Yet our skill of the game remains relatively constant. We might feel rushed to play faster, but it does not take away our knowledge of the game.

My perspective ... I asked to play a game of chess. The end result, I played the game. The rules of how to move the pieces is normally respected. What may not have been respected was the supplemental rules to not use assistance, but it did not impact the fact that I got a chance to play the game.

The modern problem is the present rating system. It needs to adapt to the way technology has advanced. When using assistance the rating becomes over inflated. By picking time controls that are too short, it creates underinflated ratings. Combine the two situations (using assistance and playing short time controls) and the rating systems becomes inaccurate. This combination is toxic for chess players.

Change the rating system needs to change so that chess can continue to thrive even if chess results get altered by the abuse of the time controls or rules. Make it so that a fair play measure be added in the profiles of players as an insurance policy for pairing purposes.

Chess tournament motto: When in doubt, take them out for a bot ride.
When in doubt, don't take chances, fool the pairings by pairing the suspected players with a bot for immediate cheat detection.
@EmaciatedSpaniard said in #20:
> I was shocked about your statement. Then I looked at your account to see if i could find some rapid games where opponent's acct was closed. I was again surprised. I found not a single rapid game played by your account. I see only bullet (all the way back to 2015) and more recently Chess960. So i guess you are referring to another account (either here or on another site). I'm sorry to say the burden of proof for your statement still lies with you.
Please send me a private email. My email is see my profile for my firstname and surname. I will reply with database of all my rapid games played online. You will find 16 losses in it. You can then see for yourself that 11 were identified as cheaters.

Lichess forbids to openly publish accounts from cheaters.
@mettana said in #10:

"Me teaching how to teach people what smart cheating is "
Delusion: Starts to think 50% of people cheat aaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Reality :only about 2.5%-10% of people cheat
@mvhk said in #19:

No no, mvhk, you have nothing to prove, at all.

It's already obvious that you're objectively intelligent!

Stay lovely!
I can answer your question right now, but, the thing that I need to know is, How do people cheat in person?
@BigChessplayer665 said in #26:

> only about 2.5%-10% of people cheat

Only? There would exist no OTB-chess anymore with even only 1% cheaters. However online this level of cheating is considered acceptable. It is no surprise why many (most?) OTB-players have stopped with online chess after covid.

I think online we are too tolerant for cheating. So I don't agree at all with "remain silent and smile to cheaters".
@EmaciatedSpaniard said in #20:
> I was shocked about your statement. Then I looked at your account to see if i could find some rapid games where opponent's acct was closed. I was again surprised. I found not a single rapid game played by your account. I see only bullet (all the way back to 2015) and more recently Chess960. So i guess you are referring to another account (either here or on another site). I'm sorry to say the burden of proof for your statement still lies with you.
Do you know how many + 2500 rapidplayers there are here on lichess playing regularly 15 minutes + 10 seconds games? No more than 10. Sometimes I have to wait for 1 hour to get an opponent.
Do you know which rating most cheaters have? It is very easy with cheating to achieve + 2500.

Topplayers have much more chance to meet cheaters than average players.

Ok that is the problem of topplayers and not of the others I hear some people think. Ok and that is probably why lichess lost already 50% of the topplayers since 2022 see

It is very risky to think that one can do without titled fideplayers. Just look at e.g. playchess and other old online platforms which imploded.

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