
Top 11 psychological principles about chess.

* top 11 psychological principles about chess**
1.Find a good move, look for a better one.
2.Don't move until you see it. Calculation beats intuition if there's time.
3.Use your time, don't move fast just because your opponent is.
4.Look for forced moves, you may have a winning position.
5.Blunders, other than slips, are based on false assumptions, which you know better than.
6.Attack and defend when the position calls for it. Don't just Attack or just defend.
7.Play the board, not the person. Assume they will see through your trick.
8.Imbalances inform plans. Plans create moves.
9.Visualize where you want your pieces to be and then see if you can get them there.
10.Sit on your hand when thinking, or you may just move.
11.Don't give up, you might be embarrassed when you analyze with engine.
My lichess Id: bullet_god_mg you can play with me anytime.
"10.Sit on your hand when thinking, or you may just move." :')
Sit on your opponent's most active bishop to assert dominance.

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