
You Don't Get to Know Who Won the Titled Arena, Sorry.

The current policy of optional disclosure is the best for both titled players and Lichess, since it lets titled players enjoy online chess without revealing their repertoire.

Knowledge of a player's identity doesn't add anything to the appreciation one should have for the brilliancy of an anonymous GM. Plus, it would be arbitrary to require titled players to reveal their identity publicly but not require the same of untitled players. Since Masters should be neither penalized nor privileged on Lichess, and requiring everyone to disclose their name is absurd, clearly optional disclosure for all players is the only sensible policy.
I don't think knowledge of player identity should be required. It adds a bit of fun to it all! People have a right to anonymity and if Lichess has felt up to now that it doesn't compromise the integrity of the tournament, then it should stay how it is.
FeegLood's identity was accidentally publically revealed in a stream a few years back. Won't share it though as he probably wants anonymity.
The only problem I see are the blog posts. Whenever a titled player, who wants to remain anonymous, wins, the writer always has to complain about it and the whole content of the blog post suddenly is about this “issue” alone. There is a name, who cares whether it’s a real name. Titled arenas continue and we can follow the success, or struggle of the accounts here on Lichess. Stop making an issue out of it and we will all be fine. Instead write about the tournament itself, like you would normally do.
There are 2 players with 8 letters in their name and the title of the post has 8 capital letters. So it's obviously one of those two. Now the 2 lowercase letters in the title are both Ts and only one of those top10 players has 8 letters in his name as well as a T (in his first name) so it's obvious who it is.

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