
Got any chess jokes like I want to be a comedian? anyone got any jokes - they have to be funny

@Chess-Cannon said in #30:
> The name is, "Got any CHESS JOKES like I want to be a comedian? anyone got any jokes - they have to be funny"
I don't understand what you're trying to tell me.
@Mr-Mudd said in #32:
> I don't understand what you're trying to tell me.

Oh, Mr. Mudd, you buffoon...

I'm trying to tell you this forum is only for chess jokes, not jokes in general.
@Chess-Cannon said in #33:
> Oh, Mr. Mudd, you buffoon...
> I'm trying to tell you this forum is only for chess jokes, not jokes in general.

Okay, but my joke had nothing to do with genearls. It was about the reflection of a ladies butt in the water if you go back and read it. I don't want to explain it because explaining jokes tends to ruin the humor if you don't get it. Best to let the audience get it on their own; it's much funnier that way!
@ZIDAN_S said in #29:
> You will Laugh - enjoy reading
> Four facts about You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Yoo You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You
> 1. You're so lazy You didn't read all the You's.
> 2. You didn't notice I put a Yoo
> 3. You are now looking to find out.
> 4. You are laughing because you realise there is no 'Yoo' and you've been tricked.
> I know at least 11 things about you now:
> 1. You are on Lichess
> 2. You are now reading it
> 3.You are human.
> 4.You can't say the letter "P" without separating your lips .
> 5.You just attempted to do it .
> 7.You are laughing at yourself .
> 8.You have smiles on your face .
> 9.You skipped No.6
> 10.You just checked to see if there is a No.6
> 11.You are now smiling because I caught you..
> Hahaha is it true?

None of it was true.

I read the You's, noticed the Yoo, wasn't laughing, read this on a friends screenshot, I'm not human, I can do it without separating my non existent lips, so I didn't try it, noticed missing 6, not smiling, and you didn't catch me.
@Hikaru99 said in #36:
> None of it was true.
> I read the You's, noticed the Yoo, wasn't laughing, read this on a friends screenshot, I'm not human, I can do it without separating my non existent lips, so I didn't try it, noticed missing 6, not smiling, and you didn't catch me.

Sometimes it doesnt works on people
<Comment deleted by user>
@QuarterQuell said in #20:
> Bro for real???
> That would legit ruin the game lol
For real, that's why the joke ends with the two grandmasters he was trying to sell it to murdering him. But they say that all good stories are based on a grain of truth. Or are they?
Could this one have really happened? If there is such an opening strategy wouldn't someone else have discovered it by now? Perhaps anyone devoted enough to chess to find it on their own wouldn't want to ruin the game and decided to keep it a secret. Or did the eccentric genius fool the grandmasters into thinking he'd devised an unbeatable strategy using trickery and deception in order to get their money? It's up to you to decide if such a thing could have really happened or am I sacrificing the truth?
Why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road?

Because it got stuck in the crack.

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