
Dynamic openings against D4

As black, I play the Sicilian against E4 as I like sharp positions and going on attacks. Are there any openings against D4 that also lead to sharp games without conceding the centre, as I do not like to give the centre to white in hypermodern fashion such as the Kings Indian.
How to win: 1.d4 Nf3 2.c4 white has an advantage
without giving up the centre maybe semi-slav is what you want? From what I heard it can be quite sharp depending on how you play it. That's what I heard though, I can't know better
@MaX_sSk said in #2:
> How to win: 1.d4 Nf3 2.c4 white has an advantage

You should set up that position on a board and think about it for a moment... ;)
I am not used to post on this forum but here i wanted to answer.
I used to play symetrical structure pawn with black against 1.d4 a long time.
Then i decided to try the grünfeld.
Very good : played at high level, not so much in club (so your opponent wont be so used to face it).
Very agressive and tactical (i also play the sicilian).
Good luck !
@Statham_13 said in #7:
> @AnshMalik12 You can use Elshad's system
> 1.d4 d6 2.c4 c6 and after h6,g5,bg7,nf8,nef,qa5(b6)

Wow! I'd never even heard of this opening before, it can be used for king side attacks as many people are bad at attacking on the queen side in my experience (at least in my rating range) Going to try this in my club this weekend :)
@userfriendly2 said in #5:
> Leningrad dutch
Just tried this in an online match with white (Dutch reverse/ Bird) and absolutely demolished the opponent) I think I may have found the opening I much needed, thanks!!

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