
I can no longer play games?

Is there a limit to the amount of games you can play for free. For the last few days, none of my games start. :(
There's no limit. Maybe your connection is bad or your searching for games outside of your rating .
I am experiencing the same issue. I can no longer play games.
From a quick glance at your profile, you seem to have been flagged as using computer assistance. If you've been falsely marked, you can file for an appeal (, but currently I don't believe you are allowed to play rated matches.
Just as Nel_S said. You guys both have been flagged as using computer assistance, so you can't play any new rated games anymore.
They should notify you... They don't and there really isn't enough staff 'to listen'... It is free...

Play unrated... Brings up a question, can you use an engine in unrated games and still play rated games (unassisted)???
If I recall correctly, you are allowed to use engines in casual games assuming that both parties know and consent to your use of an engine. But personally, I find that to be a pointless circumstance, considering that if one wanted to play against a bot, they would simply initiate a game against Stockfish...

The reason to play using an engine during 'correspondence' games (games with a few days to move) is beneficial for opening study... Initiating a game against a program doesn't help as they tend to shy away from 'mainline' anything... Plus no social interaction with the bot...

So the practice has reason, i.e., a point....
I was viewing this more through the lens of the opponent, who would know that they were playing against a bot and therefore had no chance of winning. Knowing that, they would have no motivation whatsoever to play well, as regardless of whether they play sloppily or cautiously, recklessly or passively, they would lose in the end. Due to this, they would have no incentive to accept an offer of a match to begin with, for the prospect of potentially winning is gone.

The only scenario in which a potential opponent would accept that challenge, with full knowledge of the opponent's computer assistance, would be if they wished to learn from their mistakes--at which point they might as well avoid the hassle of seeking out and playing against an engine-using user, and just play Stockfish. And if they were tired of Stockfish playing the same openings, as you mentioned above, they would merely switch to matches against LeelaChess, or another of the many, many strong bots available at any given moment.

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