
Is this the sign of a cheat?

There are a lot of signs of computer cheating, for example:

a) The distribution of the time is very similar in all moves independently of the dificult of the position.

b) Hard perfectly calculate solutions vs obvious solutions to win. For example in a position with great avantatge of material a long combination to win material vs a simply liquidation combination that conclude in a endgame without counter.

c) Allow a lot of counter of the oponent in positions with advantatge but this counter is perfect controled by tactical means VS tendency to reduce counter and search for easy positions with advantatge.

d) Checkmates endgames with perfect numerous of moves vs checkmates endgames that uses common techniques to checkmate.

There are a lot of things but with one unique thing is impossible to arrive a conclusion that the opponent is cheating.
sorry I was in wrong thread. this is another cheat fear thread. about singular experience. .but at least it did not scream scandal..
@dboing said in #22:
> sorry I was in wrong thread. this is another cheat fear thread. about singular experience. .but at least it did not scream scandal..

Got to say, I'm starting to miss those.
@Cedur216 said in #17:
> Guys, some mods have been doing cheat detection for a decade and more.

How do they know that they've been doing it right? Where's the verification for their theories and conclusions? In the middle ages all kinds of quacks had their ways of determining whether or not someone was a witch. They certainly had more than ten years experience.
@JuxPlixab said in #24:
> How do they know that they've been doing it right? Where's the verification for their theories and conclusions? In the middle ages all kinds of quacks had their ways of determining whether or not someone was a witch. They certainly had more than ten years experience.

even FIDE officials endorse the procedures of Lichess and chesscom.
for the average player, or below average such as myself, it's virtually impossible to tell if someone is cheating. my advice is just analyze the game, try to learn something and then move on to the next game. There are many times when I wonder how many more 1500's players I will play that have no mistakes or blunders in blitz games but then I let it go. At the end of the day, you Lichess rating means almost nothing, it's just for fun.
if you want see a cheat :
- play level in different time : some step it's very bad and next a pack of better step (just enough for win the game)
- lost connexion and back (several time)
- with a vpn no program could see you cheat (and chess site allow vpn....)
- focus rate isn't always good because player (no too much idiot) won't use everytime his bot, only in complexe combo. But each step for start defend/attack will be 100% accuracy.

My favorourite that i started use for safe my game in mmo (when players try hack your server of minecraft with 50 players online every days, you defend yourself) you can use "theonespy" or equivalent (exist tens very easily to use) => Just you see the screens of opponent with IP adress but no action, just see (people who showed me that and the first time had 8 years old in 2015...).
He install alone, made setup and he wasn't the most intelligent (lives quebec).

So i know the communauty is a bit "old" in them head and has often difficult for read informations who don't go in them belief but if you take a bit time for looking for on google and others (no need to go to on darkweb with thor) you could see there are several tens kinds to cheats, hack etc with process very good explained and the catch cheat will see nothing.

Just chess site are very far in safety (mmo, poker website are more advanced by exemple.

Like that on +/- 130 games on, i can give more 100 cheaters (somes ones with a screen of them and surprise they are always connected). Tonight 2/2 on Lichess.

I wanted discover chess in live but i must training online. Result after 3 months, i think i will leave chess. Competition is some weekend in the year but training require a lot of work online and means a lot of work against bot. It's no interesting, feel don't progress (we can't adapt at the opponent) and the most important it isn't funny to play like that.
@nadjarostowa said in #14:

> Most people complaining about cheaters are pretty weak, and their play is rather random, just like their opponents'.

Yeah, don't need cheaters for losing, we can do it just being ourselves. XD
@OctoPinky said in #28:
> @nadjarostowa a dit dans le #14 :
> Ouais, pas besoin de tricheurs pour perdre, nous pouvons le faire simplement en étant nous-mêmes. XD

I am not agree. It no enough to be a grandmaster for recognize a cheat. As like I ride a road bike in low level but i can explain with elements (proov ?) why 90% of professionnal riders are doped (products forbidden but taken legally. It is that we call a paradox ?)

To be a good players it's different to know recognize some "mecanic" no normal. I can be the worst bad of the world but if player play each 5s by 5s it's more than strange.
Play random as like major people and when you are under pressure play 5/6 excellent game for take advantage it's very strange also.

It must know a cheaters doesn't know all the game with the same level. A normal player will start good and make error, or bad and improve his game in middle game but you will see a structure, a thiking process, using the time, more classic step etc and sometimes make (big) an error. A cheater will make never an error (in all case, never who change the sens of the game).
A cheater doesn't know that because he doesn't work. If he cheats all the long, his game will be so mecanic, too much excellent step (elo 1000 with 300 games it's not a beginner who learn and try something), or play too fast with good level.
If we use his bot sometimes you will see a lot difference of level between step, and specially a problem of coherence. I repeat a normal player, even bad, will try to build a plan (even so agressive for trade every pieces, it's a plan).

In high level it's more difficult to see them because your play is more close of computer, more strong and can keep this level in the time (some hours by exemple). It's for that i tell it's very easy too see them in my level (if you have true elo 1800/2000 why play and cheat for win against elo 1000 ??? no sens).

I know the king of game of my level then i can see somethings but i can't tell same about level at the top because the game it's different.
@Ecamvelo said in #27:

> Like that on +/- 130 games on, i can give more 100 cheaters (somes ones with a screen of them and surprise they are always connected). Tonight 2/2 on Lichess.

100 cheaters in 130 games. Is hard to believe. I'm simply 2100 national elo player of an european country and I win a reasonable percentatge of games in Lichess (and without cheat. Is obvious that the games that I win are not against cheaters because cheaters destroy me. Of the games that I lost, a lot are fair play of my opponent and only a small percentatge are cheating style or suspicious. My opinion are that cheaters are in some range of 3%-8% of total.

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