
New Puzzles are here!

« The one small favor we ask is that you don’t thumbs-down puzzles that are too easy or too hard. »

Which, unfortunatly, is exactly what I did with all the puzzles I played in the new system. I looked everywhere to find an answer about this until this post finally came up.
<Comment deleted by user>
Nice idea. However the animation after playing the wrong move is much faster than it was before and I find it very jarring (too fast to process what is happening). Also the options to vote on themes aren't very obvious and should probably be more prominent (seeing as this is a central part of how the new puzzle system works and it is important for users to choose and vote on themes) - I would have missed these entirely had I not read the announcement post.
I'm sure many of us agree the old system was lacking. Too early to tell how good the new one is, but it's clear you made a big step forward and for that I appreciate you.
@astrobite I had the same problem on my first puzzle with the new system. It was a mate in two with two different checkmates and I picked the wrong one.
What you guys are creating is simply amazing, especially in this moment and in this way. The extremely quality of the product and the effort you put in it without any direct payoff are really rare factors to find in this world. I'm not afraid to call it a Miracle, and I can enjoy it every day.
You are special! Thanks!
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