
Please show proof of cheating or reinstate my account thanks a bunch .

Well, your best bet is to appeal: The mods are very fair and even handed.

However, when you do, you might want to explain the following games specifically:

I'm not a mod, nor do I play one on TV... but I can see why these might have tripped the system for detection.
Explain winning ? that seems to be a reach how about explaining my loses smh ..this is a waste of my time and under minds my development those are solid lines and it seems they are reporting hurt feelings .
we found niemann's long lost little brother everybody!
... the the second is textbook style is developed with strong openings theory,I love to play flank and unorthodox the rest is just intuition at this point and trying to play more traditional and reach 1600 that being said i play a lot chess thats all i do at this point as hobby .never even played otb . NOT MY FIRST 2000+WIN. NOT MY LAST .
I think what we have here and in the famous case is called 'Moral Certainty'.

"Moral certainty is a concept of intuitive probability. It means a very high degree of probability, sufficient for action, but short of absolute or mathematical certainty."

There are degrees of probability - it's not like if it isn't 100% sure then he's innocent - doesn't work that way.

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