

In this forum game, you start with a beginning sentence and an end sentence that are completely unrelated. An example of this could be “Once upon a time there were pants” and “finally, the boats rowed themselves.” The task of each person’s post is to connect the beginning and end with a big story. You can only write up to 10 words, and you can only post twice per story (unless not enough people post). This is similar to to the forum game where you have to add a single word and make a big story, except that in this one you can POST UP TO 10 WORDS AND CAN PUT YOUR SENTENCE ANYWHERE IN THE STORY. If you would like to add something, PLEASE USE THE FORMAT OF: “(previous sentence)___(your sentence)___(next sentence), and INCLUDE THE UNDERSCORES UNLESS YOU ARE BUILDING OFF OF A SENTENCE. Let’s start with a practice.
First sentence: “The drawer was full of magic dust.”
Ending: “Then the clouds turned gray and there was darkness.”

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