
this bot cant play endgame

hi i think best you can do is reaching endgame against this bot :) he made a lot of mistakes... its my third win against him... i must try out playing endgames against him more often :) he won so far near 40 games against me haha
Let's say you both didn't play the best endgame
@sergzyk said in #2:
> Let's say you both didn't play the best endgame
yeah true... i had only 1 min left for rook endgame, thats why i didnt play so good. But i have won 3 games so far and 2 or even all games were endgame... in middlegame he plays so tricky and i cant calculate all when he makes every second a strong or tricky move... in endgame its much easier... i mean if a lot of pieces on board i would have lost to 100% because of time trouble... in endgame less moves are available+ he makes from time to time mistakes... that means my chances are much higher in endgame is my conclusion
@SamannOyB said in #4:
> Better, for I never won against, BOT @Boris-Trapsky, alias Mr. Boris Spassky.
i had often the chance to win, but game or positions like these let my brain exploiding... i mean no human guy will play like this and i had +8 or so after Kd3 instead of Kc3 and after Qb2 check i had nice queen sacrifice with Qb3 but its very complicated for me... but i will play a lot more games against this bot cause he cant always win with such reckless moves like he playes all the time
@SamannOyB said in #4:
> I never won against, BOT @Boris-Trapsky.

If you aren't having fun because Boris-Trapsky is too strong,
ask him about his casual-play options.
1. Start a casual game.
2. Type 'info' into the chat.
Hi @Happysanta
In your game
BOT @Boris-Trapsky blunders a piece... on move 2!

How can this happen to a BOT?

To give you a variety of openings, Boris plays his first few moves
directly from some random game within the vast Lichess database.
Every now and then, somewhere on Lichess, a player drops a piece right off.
Therefore---now and then---Boris will too. :-O
@hum9504 said in #9:
> Hi @Happysanta
> In your game
> BOT @Boris-Trapsky blunders a piece... on move 2!
> How can this happen to a BOT?
> To give you a variety of openings, Boris plays his first few moves
> directly from some random game within the vast Lichess database.
> Every now and then, somewhere on Lichess, a player drops a piece right off.
> Therefore---now and then---Boris will too. :-O
nice didnt know... i thought his bytes and bits going crazy, dancing lambada in the rain :))

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