
Lichess no better than Fascist Facebook

I post a comment about lichess stupidity and lacking common sense
Because I took a minute to look for a stalemate before resigning, that got me banned for 9 minutes
Then a Marxist moderator removed my comment
Looks like China has took over the world !
This is the Marxist orders to me
“ A moderator deleted one of your posts for this reason: inappropriate behavior. Please read our Forum-Etiquette:
Lichess is intended to be a pleasant environment for everyone. Offensive language - which includes swearing, abuse, and harassment - is forbidden.

Please note that repeated violation of this policy will result in loss of communication privileges.

You can read our Communication Guidelines here: “

What sad little snowflakes !
It's like chess com now. Inappropriate behavior is worst thing that can happen, but they dont see cheating with engine assistance. The higher u go the easier u play? How is that possible?
Guys chill out the community is huge and with engines readily available it is very easy to have cheaters so mods having a strong hand is only to be expected. I was surprised too at first but seeing it from the mods perspective, it makes sense.

P.S. If you want a more personable experience, and a smaller community, play Go (or other niche classical boardgames).

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