
does color exist?

Physics: Yes, it represent fluctuations of electromagnetic waves.
Bilology: Life forms on earth evolved eyes to gather the information of light, and that information is colors itself.
Psychology: Emotional states could be triggered by certain afinity to specific colors so they have to be categorized as real.
Philosophy: If colors didn't existed one would never be able to mention them, because they will just not exist so it will never come to the reference of existing.
Yes, but not really.
Only matter exists.
The rest, such as color, height, weight, speed, opacity, etc, are just properties that emerge from the object that actually exists. But color isnt matter, and you cant have color by itself.

And some of the properties only emerge when you have more than 1 matter, as there is no other for reference.
Well colour doesn't exist
Everything is in black and white
I am not lying it's science
Our eyes allows us to see colours through light
Light has all colour
If no light then all black and white

Edit : wait we will see only black
No, why else will chess be black and white?
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