
why are people telling lies about chess

Hey man, I go for the sex of course! Let them talk their bullshit, they don't even know what they are talking about. "Should have started earlier", yes of course, nice excuse for not being able to use your brain. It's so easy to improve, but who wants to invest their time in a ridiculous game??
True lies.

I became CM at 39 having had a rating close to 2200 ten years earlier though. At least I got my second wind after all.

Good luck and good-bye!
Everyone said 'That can not be done', but there was one who did not know that. He did it.
Smyslov was playing world level chess, including brilliancies, into his eighties, I believe.
In my club I saw many kids, very motivated and with big support by their parents. In the end, after years, they were not even 1500. On the other hand I see you, who started lately and made it to master level. So didn't you just prove the opposite of what you are trying to tell us? Okay, you wanted to be even better. But not everyone can be 2800, of course. Maybe you have a job? I can't imagine you spent tens of thousands of hours with hard work.
I just read about German GM Thomas Luther. He describes how he made it to GM. For example how he endlessly analysed this encyclopedia of rook endgames. He sais this is 1700 positions, but all standard and that he knows all these positions. Now look at me: I'm an FM and I can't even show you 5 standard positions in the rook endgames. So obviously that's the difference in my skills in this part of the game and his. I don't have any right to complain about not being a GM, as I was not ready to make the same effort. Why wouldn't I improve dramatically in the rook endgames if I did the same? So what about you? Have you just spend a lot of time with chess or have you really worked hard? Have you done the same as Luther and didn't improve? I really can't imagine that!
Looking at your ratings it seems you already did it, you proved it. It can't be the prove that anyone starting lately must become a GM. How many of the kids starting early are doing better than you? I guess not even 1 out of 1000. I started lately and easily made it to FM at age 34, without deeper knowledge of openings or endgames. So if someone has the time and energy to study deeply, he can reach much much more. I wish you success!
#3, Petrosian didn't start playing chess at age 16, but at age 8.
I want no title. I just want enough knowledge to be dangerous on a given day. I want my opponent to totally underestimate me, and I want to crush. Be good on this site, would be good enough for me.

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