
Watch me SACRIFICE(blunder) a knight(Tal style) then go rapid fast with initiative to win the game.

peep me mising a mate in 1 cus I was so excited and I was thinkin he still had his queen guarding the bishop. lol
i thuoght i was a goner. but I had the idea of cleaning his left side. then going balls to the wall with my queen rook.

also, thuoghts on me not eating the pawn in the middle d4 so that he eventually moved it and that gave me the opportunity to trade bishops! AND BECAUSE OF THAT I PUT MY KNIGHT IN THAT BEAUTIFUL SPOT. shiiiiii.

his biggest fatal blunder was when he pinned his own king with the knight with my rook. rendering his queen useless. blundering his rook. and me steamrolling on his almost win.

this is game 8 in my studies.
at least you used a descriptive title XD
Anyways, your opponent didn’t sync your pieces very well. Plus he grouped all his pieces together.
Good game and well played (except for the knight blunder :p)
@MinitoughForm yeah i was listening to music and i was dancin in my chair vibin.
then i blundered my knight. bruuuhhh.
then i said f it. YOOOLLLOOO.
and i proceed to calculate some chance on the left side if I can still win.
now here we are. :D

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