
Feature Request: Convert pawn automatically in bullet

When playing bullet chess, I have often lost games because I am converting a pawn, I have 2 seconds on the clock, and then the pop-up comes and asks which figure I want ... and time is up.

It would be much better if under certain conditions, like when having less than 10 seconds on the clock, it would simply choose the queen instead of asking me which I want. Just like when doing pre-move, because with 2 seconds I am playing like pre-moving anyway, there is no time to look what the opponent does.

The chance that I want to choose something different in such a situation is near zero anyway.
No, I think you misunderstood my question. Pre-move is ok, I am talking about the case when I was *not* able to pre-move while my opponent made his previous move. This can happen when the game is going really fast, like, when the opponent used pre-move as well.
I perfectly understood your question. :P

I didn't say it's a definitive solution, but it _partially_ solves the problem, that's all.
Eh, it doesn't solve the problem at all. I do already get a queen automatically on premove, that's what I said in the first post ("Just like when doing pre-move, ...").
I play bullet a lot.

I recommend these settings:

i) Tenths of seconds (when time is less than 10 seconds) ON
ii) Sound when time is critical ON
iii) Premoves ON
iv) Takebacks OFF
v) Promote to Queen Automatically ON
vi) Claim draw on threefold repetition ON (when time is less than 30 seconds).

I think v) is the one you're looking for. It doesn't require a premove. It can be annoying - can accidentally promote and give stalemate where a rook would be better, but it's usually safest to get the queen.
@Cynosure Yes, but what if we're not playing Bullet? That would mean we have to change the settings all of the time.
Ok I did not see that "Promote to Queen Automatically ON" does offer an option "Always", not just Pre-move. Sorry Hellball.

Anyway, I would like to have this configurable depending on bullet/non-bullet. :)
When you play bullet, you normally play 10 or 20 games in one sitting. Just change the setting after. It only takes about 10 seconds to do.
In bullet games it really helps to have auto-promoting to queen.
But in slower games it could harm in rare cases.

For me will be perfect if it was 4 options for auto-promoting to queen:

1. Never.
2. Only in bullet games (including variants).
3. Only when premoving.
4. Always.

Options 1,3,4 are already present.
If you add #2 option, it will allow to not bother myself changing it every time I switch between bullet and longer games.
As alternative, how about holding "Shift" key is an indicator to promote to queen immideatelly? Also "Caps lock" on as a permanent indicator?

So, could be additional option -
Use "Shift" or Caps Lock" to indicate auto-promoting.

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