
How do I connect my ChessUp board to my Lichess account?

Hi there,
I just received my board and I've calibrated it and set up the pieces ready for a game.

I'm already half way through a game with a friend on Lichess. As I understood it, the board is able to reflect the Lichess game ? But I can't see a way to link it to Lichess in the app?

Is this a future upgrade to the app or am I missing something?

I've Googled it but can't find any info on it.

Thanks to anyone who can point me in the right direction :-)
I don't have much of a clue, but as noone else has answered so far:

I would try to search for "lichess DGT setup" or something like this. DGT is the interface between hardware boards and computers, as far as I know.
This isn't a DGT board, so this won't help. Most likely, they just use a Board API.
Unless someone in here owns this board and can give you any hints, contacting a company that made the board and the app would be my recommendation.
Which board are you using? I have a ChessNut Air and in the iPad/iphone there is a link that will allow you to sign in to Lichess.
@johnnyt said in #1:
> Hi there,
> I just received my board and I've calibrated it and set up the pieces ready for a game.
> I'm already half way through a game with a friend on Lichess. As I understood it, the board is able to reflect the Lichess game ? But I can't see a way to link it to Lichess in the app?
> Is this a future upgrade to the app or am I missing something?
> I've Googled it but can't find any info on it.
> Thanks to anyone who can point me in the right direction :-)

You have to do it through the app. Make sure your board is connected to the ChessUp app and when you go to start a new game in the app you can choose between AI, OTB, or Online Match. You can select Lichess from the Online Match option and it will take you to a page that will add an API token to your lichess account and allow you to play games through your board.
Thank you for all the excellent replies. Really appreciate your help.

@DrHotBunz it's "buggy with loads of potential" is probably the best way to describe it.

I backed it at Kickstarter. It's been quite late in arriving however, I was excited to finally get it last Friday.

The board itself and the pieces seem decent quality and the LEDs under the squares are really nice.

At my first attempt I tried a game with the AI but it went seriously awry and the board seemed to get itself completely muddled up as to what piece was what?

I then read that you are supposed to 'calibrate' the board with the mains power on and the mains power off (i.e. board just on battery). The instructions only say to calibrate with the battery power on. Not sure how it should matter but decided to do it anyway.

After that I had a full game with the AI which was excellent. Albeit it was marred by me worrying it was going to go wrong at any time.

Then, last night, I had my first game with Lichess following the instructions that @ChesswurmOTB kindly wrote for me.

The game started well and the board was reflecting my moves on the Lichess app and also showing me where my opponent had moved. Then my daughter rang my mobile. The game was at a point where my opponent was 'thinking' (I was actually winning at the time). My missus also wanted to speak to my daughter and she was cooking so I had to take the phone through to the kitchen on speakerphone for them to have a quick chat.

When I got back to the board (a minute or two later) the board was showing a red bluetooth symbol. This turned blue when my phone got in the proximity of the board. I opened up the ChessUp app and the board just suddenly lit every "moved" piece up in purple (which indicates that the pieces are out of position).

I quickly logged into Lichess on the PC but the game didn't show up in my list of active games?

So, I don't know what happened? Whether my opponent got booted off because I'd disconnected? Or my opponent cancelled the game?? Or what??

I felt really bad as I wondered if it looked to them that I'd quit the game? I'm not really familiar with Lichess so not sure how I find out what happened (if, in fact, I can find out?)?

I'm also a bit paranoid about starting another game up in case it happens again?

So... that's basically where I'm up to. The potential of the board is amazing but it seems very buggy at the moment. Hope that helps :-)
Interesting read JohnnyT, any updates again on how your getting on, thinking of getting one or something similar or maybe just stick to what I am doing and just play against the old computer chess boards I have, the old 80`s one are challenging enough for me lol

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