
Trash Lichess Servers

"Sometimes your browser or app doesn’t register a disconnection, it's waiting and waiting for the next move to come through but it never does. Meanwhile, your opponent makes their move and now your clock is counting down. When you finally reconnect to the server you’ve run out of time and lost. It’s very frustrating but there isn’t much we can do about it."

I don't believe there isn't anything you can do about it. You write the client software. It's even able to detect if someone has an analysis engine running (and thus can put in "cheat detected"). It should be able to ping the server and know if the clock is really ticking down - if it pinged the server once a second to get the clock times, how much lag would that add to the whole system? But it would know if there is a "problem" and be able to attempt a full reconnect, or at least inform the user.

It's also possible that, once it does reconnect, it could report back to you that the user stayed online the whole time but the connection was down. Maybe there's even a way to send that information instantly if the internet is up (can email a special address a special message?).

Ok, maybe the player would still lose the game but they wouldn't be penalized for deliberately stalling. Most of those who "run down the clock" deliberately probably switch tabs or walk away from their computers leaving it running and rage quitting ones will close the browser or tab or browse away.

In the meantime, you might not have the resources but planned "upgrades" could be done if you have more than one server so you keep people connected on one server whilst you upgrade the other one, then do the switch only when they are between games and when everyone has been switched you close the other one. If on slower time controls you are somehow able to move them quickly you could do that.
as i am writing this lichess has 42500 games in play if we times that by 2 for each player thats 85k players
now if the server was to receive 85k pings a second it would spontaneously combust hence why lichess does not do it

Now for the point about the player staying on the tab the whole time does not matter because the punishment is not for people who rage quit or rage sit but for wasting your opponents time difference being regardless of intent you still waisted their time and lichess wants people to play games not to have to wait. (i understand it could be your, lichess or third partys fault for the internet problem but punishment is not because of the action rather the effect)

for server restart people are warned 15min in advance and the problem is during a restart basically everything is restarted making a second instance impossible
There seems to be no new arguments on that matter.

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