
Both Keyboard Extensions are fixed, thanks to @lordware

did u try 'load unpacked' extension?
if so, u have to open the zip folder to find the folder titled 'extension' and move it out. then u can load unpacked and select that folder.
otherwise, u can open file explorer and drag the 'extension' folder onto the extension page and it should add.
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For some reason I can't make it work.
I've tried both Keyboard & Multi- premove using the installation instructions and they behave the same way as before the fix.
Is there anything I do wrong or maybe this is a windows 7 problem?
for me it gives something like "manifest is missing or could not be loaded"
nvm, I didn't choose "extension" but "lichess-keyboard-master" which for sure didn't work
anyway, keyboard will never give u any advantage as thibault told us...^^
well dang I guess since kb is back, my super rating gain is over

was fun while it lasted kekw
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Wait are multi-premoves even allowed on lichess?
Since it's help from the out-side is it not cheating?
First of all, the extension should work if installed correctly. You install the unzipped folder called 'Extension' and not the whole folder.
Secondly, multi-premoves is not cheating as it does not use external assistance. You have to make the premoves yourself

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