
Bad enough to quit?

If you were playing black and I told you white had a rating of 900, would you quit chess after this game? Or would you make excuses like "well it was bound to happen sometime" or something along those lines?
Personally I wouldn't even show that game, I'd just deny it ever happened and deny ever picking up chess. But that's just me, so...
@Jackurokawa yes he can, id bet every chess player has fallen for this at least once, i know i have, my brother tries this everytime we play and gets snuffed out and every time he thinks its a great opening because in his words "i had mate in one threat" thank god i never lost to him that way
@Darksouls That's like saying a martial arts master can still be considered so after getting beaten up by a child. If a chess master can fall for this then it just makes it look like they give the title away.
@Jackurokawa no they are two different things, you cant make that comparison. Like if you beat a chess master it doesn't make you a chess master or even chess master level playing wise. A lack in judgement in one game doesn't make his skill any less, its a cheap opening , if your looking for cheap games play it, you wont learn much playing that way
@Darksouls If it's a cheap win without much effort then it makes it worse for the 'master', as does making excuses
So is that loss bad or enough to consider quitting or not?

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