
0 divided by 0

Imagine you cut an invisible pizza into nothing, the answer is confusing: Is there one invisible pizza left so it's 1, or is there one invisible pizza but it's not a pizza so it's 0?
zero divided by zero is zero
think of it like cookies
you have zero cookies and you're giving them to zero people
how many people will get cookies? zero!
@sAnDrAiSgOod said in #15:
> zero divided by zero is zero
> think of it like cookies
> you have zero cookies and you're giving them to zero people
> how many people will get cookies? zero!
Actually this is super logical
@sAnDrAiSgOod said in #15:
> zero divided by zero is zero
> think of it like cookies
> you have zero cookies and you're giving them to zero people
> how many people will get cookies? zero!

To put another way: Let's say that both, people nor cookies haven't been made yet.

So, assume your a non-human God before Adam and Eve. If the intent is to divide cookie treats among your children, but you have no cookie treats, nor children of God before you to divide them among, then how many cookie treats do they get, hypothetically? It's a Trick question.

What is the average number of cookies per 1 individual? Keep in mind, you are dividing Zero Cookie treats among Zero People. So, saying "people" get zero cookies when people haven't been made is non-sensical.
Guys, use a calculator. 0/0 = DIVIDE BY 0 ERROR.
So, the answer is simple.
Perhaps we should be asking why are we doing this? Why question 0/0?

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