
FIDE Women’s Grand Prix Collapses into "Chaos" as Players Withdraw

@aarongull said in #20:
> Curios to know why they have flags at all? This isn't the Olympiad. The country they come from shouldn't matter at all.

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace
The players made a statement. Whether you like that statement or not, they have more courage than the folks posting in this thread. (Me included btw)
<Comment deleted by user>
Well, Russia is doing nothing that hasn't been done be the USA or NATO. But demonized are russians only lol.

Sports must be out of politics. And Lichess ought to be apoilitical. If you want to tell something, declare it as your private opinion somewhere else. Don't use Lichess as a public platform. God, what a shame
@ebk1976 - Pray, do tell us all what is wrong in my quoting Lennon's song, calling for peace and less nationalism. Strange to react with a downvote for #22. On Lennon's behalf I quite offended!
Why banish sports, when they have no direct effects on war and it's what unites people?
Remember Tata Steel , the moronic way Firouzja game was disrupted ? And now this . When will India learn how to do things right ? Enough is enough , just boycott India till they learn how to do things in a civilized manner .

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