
What is up with phrases like -1 or +2 when it comes to tourney results?

I have a hard time figuring out what all of these commentators mean by this. Can someone explain it to me?
Hey! That means they only look at decisive results. +2 means that overall they won two games (the wins and losses equal out, so if you win 4 and lose 2, you are +2 still) and -1 means you lost 1 game overall. It's a good way to speak about the results, as you can quickly see how the player did in the tournament. If you only look at the tournament points, you have to do a bit of calculation before you can tell how they did. But if someone does +3, you know that they are probably having a great tournament. Hope this made sense :)
It‘s the number of half points above/below „par“ (50%). +4 means 2 points above 50%.

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