
Hypothetical question about superiority.

Consider there are two players, say, Alice and Bob. A and B both make moves of the same quality, however Bob takes more time to come up with them. Do you consider A to be equal or to be better than B?

"Asking for a friend"
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In an academic competition, the first with the corr3ct answer is considered better. IRL, the minority is considered better.
A definitely if A finds the better moves faster he will have more time to calculate harder moves.
Both are finding the same quality of moves & would Draw or win & lose at 50 percent unless the slower moving player lost on time
depends on time.
if the time control is very slow (I mean 45+0 or sth like that), then it shld be a draw
if it is blitz or rapid, A has many chances to win on time
@Siress said in #1:
> Consider there are two players, say, Alice and Bob. A and B both make moves of the same quality, however Bob takes more time to come up with them. Do you consider A to be equal or to be better than B?

The better player is the one who is able to convert the most. In every single competition you will find the same pattern.
Luck may be involved here and there, but on the long run, you cant claim luck was a factor.
@chesspawnrookking said in #6:
> A definitely if A finds the better moves faster he will have more time to calculate harder moves.
Not necessarily. Even if you give someone more time, there have limits to how far they can compute. Some players are beasts at fast time control because they calculate very quickly, but they aren't as good at longer time controls since they don't calculate as deep as others.

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