
Very Stinky Chess Board

I have recently bought a silicone chess board but it emits a chemical rubbery smell. Any way to get rid of it? I have already tried wiping it down with Clorox wipes and dish soap.
Just unfold it and expose it to fresh air. The smell will go away as the volatile chemicals evaporate.
You do not need to expose to the sun, exposure to fresh air is enough.
Yes, the sun will fade colors, but fading of the light squares will be imperceptible and the dark squares will only become slightly less dark. Black color (carbon) is fairly resistant to fading by the sun i.e. ultraviolet light. A color that easily fades under the sun is red. So dark squares will become less reddish.
If you put your board behind a window, then it will not fade as the glass of the window will block the ultraviolet sunlight.
It can be harmless solvents which evaporate or harmful (cancer-causing!) plasticizers. For example, most mouse pads contain them.

Photo bleaching might be the lesser evil...
Sniff the will get high and have wonderful chess ideas
Sniff the board often to develop a tolerance to the smell, then you'll have an advantage over anyone foolish enough to play against you without suitable breathing apparatus. High level players seem to talk a lot about the importance of preparation in chess, think of this as the part of the game before the opening.

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