
Is this cheating?

In a long game, my opponent had 0 inaccuracies 0 wrong moves and 0 blunders, acc to the comp.analyzer. Here is the link to the game:

I of course reported this to adm. But i suspect they will not do anything with it
Don't see any clear evidence of cheating. Pretty straight forward moves from the opening, the move that decided the game was Rxg6+ which is a tactic that I think an 1800 blitz rated player can easily see.

Also, forums are not the place to accuse players of cheating.
Looks like quite normal moves. His repetition of first trying 29 Qe6 and then at next attempt trying 31 Qd6 should at least prove that he didn't use a computer for all the moves.
This guy is a actually a strong player in classical, 2200+.
This game doesn't look suspicious at all, his moves are pretty normal. I looked at other games in his profile and he seems like a legit player to me.
He could of course have played super accurate with no program assistance. But I can not remember any time that I my self have had such a game for 30+ moves in a blitz game. I have played 20 years on the net and have 1610 in fide. It is bad sport from my side to publish this game in disadvantage to my opponent. But I also think it is interesting to hear what other people mean in this case.
My $0.02. You say "I of course reported this to adm. But i suspect they will not do anything with it" and this hasn't been my experience. This case, as noted above, doesn't look that computer-y (I had a 0 0 0 in of all things a Danish this week, and it was all me - a very very LUCKY me, but me). However, I have found the admins to be very reliable when it comes to dealing with folks I've reported.

YMMV, but do keep reporting, it helps keep Lichess clean.
I apologize for this report (my first post above in this thread where I suspected someone for possible cheating) . I understand that it really is possible for people rated around 1800 to play very accurate occasionally. Cause I just played one by my self today. The game lasted for 21 moves. I managed to play with 0 inaccuracies, 0 wrong moves and 0 blunders. I have just never had such a game myself before. But I now see that it is actually possible in rare cases.
Here is the link to the game I just played:

Best regard
Brusehode, norwegian for Blunderhead

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