
Lichess server is rather slow

I have an internet connection with 250 MBs.
Normally I'm using Chrome for playing on lichess.
But lichess server seems to react several times rather slow: Last times I had the problem, that when I tried to play 3min + 2s games, the games were already aborted, when I finally get the connection to game.
Also analysis of a game has taken some times long time ( > 15 s).
Has someone else these problems?
same here. mainly this problem occurs in the evening. an hour ago I could play without any problems and suddenly the server needs an eternity to start a new game, load the homepage or whatever I want it to do. Southern Germany here, using Chrome on Win11 mainly, but in Opera and Firefox it's the same
I have the same problem, only with lichess and chessable and only during late afternoon to evening hours.
I have heard that it might have to do with a bad connection from Deutsche Telekom to AWS cloud provider (?).
There are countless threads here on this apps are not affected (but not as good as the browser version ofc)
ok, nice threads, but no help at all. I'm not interested in getting rating points back due to timeouts or something like that, I want to play and I want a good performing web client, that is fast and reliable, that's all.
And regarding these threads, I understand it the way, that the problems are just problems on my PC. It seems I'm an idiot, so please explain me: why does my machine work flawlessly all day long on every site I visit including Lichess (today I played already some games without any problems), but in the evening my machine regularly decides to stop working flawlessly, but only on Lichess, the rest of the net I use regularly, works still fine. And don't bother me with such Antivirus nonsense, please.
@for_cryingout_loud @AndiStgt76 @dedonde
Friendly reminder that internet speed has nothing to do with latency and that you should measure your ping to France and not to the server closest to you.
@macclassic said in #5:
> ok, nice threads, but no help at all. I'm not interested in getting rating points back due to timeouts or something like that, I want to play and I want a good performing web client, that is fast and reliable, that's all.
> And regarding these threads, I understand it the way, that the problems are just problems on my PC. It seems I'm an idiot, so please explain me: why does my machine work flawlessly all day long on every site I visit including Lichess (today I played already some games without any problems), but in the evening my machine regularly decides to stop working flawlessly, but only on Lichess, the rest of the net I use regularly, works still fine. And don't bother me with such Antivirus nonsense, please.
> @for_cryingout_loud @AndiStgt76 @dedonde

because the route your connection takes to lichess could be just bad at the end of the day because on of the steps it takes is overloaded maybe the best way to check is to use winmtr and see which point causes it
You are sure that you understand the structure of the internet? There is no route from point a to point b but there are many of them. When you send a bunch of packets from server a to server b it is not uncommon that the packages are travelling over different paths to the destination and may even arrive in a different order, depending on the path they take. So it's not very likely that every day in the same time frame all paths from my home to the lichess server have a breakdown in performance at the same time. And since everything else except of lichess works fine, the breakdown point is not on my side, otherwise other connections would be inflicted too, the more the nearer the breakdown point is to me. There are only a few single points of failure in this chain. Firstly my connection, which seems to be fine, secondly the lichess servers and thirdly the internet service provider of Lichess. Everything else would be compensated by the internet structure.
@macclassic said in #8:
> You are sure that you understand the structure of the internet? There is no route from point a to point b but there are many of them. When you send a bunch of packets from server a to server b it is not uncommon that the packages are travelling over different paths to the destination and may even arrive in a different order, depending on the path they take. So it's not very likely that every day in the same time frame all paths from my home to the lichess server have a breakdown in performance at the same time. And since everything else except of lichess works fine, the breakdown point is not on my side, otherwise other connections would be inflicted too, the more the nearer the breakdown point is to me. There are only a few single points of failure in this chain. Firstly my connection, which seems to be fine, secondly the lichess servers and thirdly the internet service provider of Lichess. Everything else would be compensated by the internet structure.
> @for_cryingout_loud

except you forget that there can be 1 bottleneck as there is no other way around like me i live in south africa to get to france my connection has to go up the coast of africa no other way through meaning if one of those points are bad my connection is also bad.

But yet again lets use winmtr to find the network problem and see who it is instead of just using lichess as a scapegoat
I'm in Central Europe, no shortage of internet paths here;-)

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