
Please say me some best black openings for intermediates!!

You could check the tier list of openings Hikaru and Gotham did. I think they made them for different levels. Or you can search black openings by similarity to your favorite white openings. I think openings are more about what fits your style than one being better.
I am still at a loss for what to play with black too. I would like a universal system opening for black. I tried the Hippopotamus once upon a time but it was bad... or I was. The Czech Pirc is kind of okay, not disastrous, but not that easy to play either. Caro-Kann holds promise but there are a lot of main lines it seems to me - a lot of opening memorisation because each main branch (advance, exchange etc, etc.) seems to have a very different character and white kinda gets to make these decisions.

You can play Czech Pirc system with white too and the opening book calls it Mieses Opening - Rat Variation or something like that. If you could make it work you could have a system for both colours. You can play Hippo with white too. But I would stick with a true white system or opening because otherwise it feels like playing white with black's development drawback.

If I could play a Black London system against everything that would be good but that does not appear to be an option. I just hate e4 e5 at the moment but that could change I guess. Sicilian is a bust. Everyone seems to know tons of book.

But I am lousy at chess so don't pay much attention to my opinion.
Pirc Defence
Sicilian defence
French defence

But... based on the ratings I see here in this discussion, just go with any opening, until you find the one you feel comfortable with, that's how I did, didn't even know all the names of them.
Point is, You have to reach positions where you are comfortable to defend or even see chances to counter-attack. Black opening, where you are being squeezed from move one to end of game is not quite the one for you. Once you will improve your positional play with tactical vision, you might change openings and/or most likely will go deeper into them.

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