
My first OTB tournament

After years of playing online, I decided to participate in an OTB chess tournament here in Quebec next weekend.

Since there is no chess club near where I live, I will have to drive 3 hours to get there and sleep in a hotel for 2 nights and dive straight into the action (no chess club first).

I'm really looking forward to this whole new experience.

My desire is to have fun to live this, more than winning or losing; however, I hope to play decently.

It will be real life in chess!

I'm curious to know how it went for you in your first OTB tournament.
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i just recently had my first toney and I had a break down after getting stressed out and just not thinking about my moves at all. so, my advice would be take your time.
My first tourney was scary at first, but you shouldn't care about winning and losing, just care about your chess, and you will be fine. I have played for 3 years now... and it is still hard not to get overwhelmed by the amount of preparation you have to do, but it can become easier as you continue to progress to your goal.
Do you know how to do the notation of your game?
Do you have a physical board , and pieces at home, to get used to the different viewpoint/ sightlines of pieces.?

Have fun, and enjoy.
@QathetMike said in #6:
> Do you know how to do the notation of your game?

Yes, basically...

> Do you have a physical board , and pieces at home, to get used to the different viewpoint/ sightlines of pieces.?

Yes, but I have only used it to study a few games; no one to play against me over here.

> Have fun, and enjoy.

Thanks,that's my goal!
It went well. I was afraid what's going to happen there. There was no one around to walk me through (what is it like, am I qualified, will they accept me as a person). I figured out all by myself. Only a bit scary at first, after that I became a regular at the chess club, found people I can talk to, it was nice. Now I moved (2000-3000 kilometers from home), I haven't played OTB for more than a year. The closest chess club is about 60 kilometers away, maybe that also adds up to my hesitation.
An update.

My first OTB went very well. My objectives were to live this experience and have fun and I had. It was a 90 minutes + 30 sec. per move. 2.5/5. My first opponent won the tournament and I learned afterwards that he was rated 2000 in blitz on; we were in the 1200- section because of our first participation.

So I decided to participate to a 2nd one. It happened last weekend. This time, I wanted to have fun and be more competitive and that's how it went. It was a 90 minutes + 30 sec. per move as well. 3.5/5. I blundered a piece but couldn't obtain a draw even if it was very close in a 3 hours game. I offered a draw in an another game that lasts 3h30 hours, but I could have win if I had been farther in my calculations in the very end. I ended in 4th position with others players 1 game away from the first position.

In one month I will participate in a 20 minutes + 5 sec. tournament.

In 2 months, I will participate to the Canadian open. It will be a 90 minutes + 30 sec. per move. I am really looking forward this one; 6 days of competitions!

If you have never participated in an OTB, it's a very fun experience to live. So, I encourage you to try it at least once.

I am preparing for my next 2 tournaments and my goals now are to have fun and see how far I can go in this journey. As long as I have hope, I am in!

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