
No Racism on Lichess - all over the globe count the same! ☮️

Only english please - but why?
Everyone should be allowed to use Lichess in the way she/he/it likes - as long they don't restrict the space of another user.
Not very often but again and again I read in tournament chats that others shall talk in english only - they shouldn't use their own language. That makes me sad and angry - specially from chess players who should have the mental ability to think further then only one move or the first idea.
We have over 6000 different languages and nearly 200 different countries on our planet - Everyone has the same right to speak in their own language. Many people don't even understand English.
I often answer on the appeal "only english please" that the other ones maybe wrote the same in their own language but we couldn't understand them. ;)
It's really not hard to calculate or use a little bit empathy to understand that from the view of another human my interest are not more important than his own - so let's meet together in the middle.
That's a basic understanding and a first little step to make the world a bit fairer place for all.
Beside that thinly thing I have to give props to all - Lichess is really a great community and a big family.
You all rock! Dimitri

I try to write everything here in english that so many as possible understand me. Beside of my bad english I speak only German and a bit French - so not many alternatives for me. If others use different languages it's absolute ok for me. I just don't understand it as they don't understand me.
But we all speak chess - with our fascination for the game and trough our movements on the Chessboard - that beautiful language is global!

🇨🇭(in my own language)
Allne sötti erlaubt sii Lichess so z'benutze wie inä lieb isch - so lang sie nöd anderi Benutzer ischränked.
Nöd oft, aber immer wiedär lis ich i Turniär chats, dass anderi doch numä in änglisch sölled redä - sie sölled nöd iri eigeni Sprach benutzä. Dass macht mich truurig und wüetig - grad vo Schachspiller wo sötted d'mentaal Fähigkeit hä e bitzli wiiter z'dänke als numä ein Schritt oder bis zur erschte Idee.
Mir händ über 6000 verschiedeni Sprache und fascht 200 verschiedeni Länder uf oisem Planeet - alli händ's gliiche Rächt i irä eigene Sprach z'redä. Villi Lüt verstönd nöd emal Änglisch.
Ich antworte oft uf de Ufruef "only english please" dass de Ander villicht grad s'gliiche i sinerä eignä Spraach gschriibe hätt, mir's aber nöd händ chöne verstaa. ;)
Es isch würkli nöd schwierig z'kallkulierä oder es bizzli Empathii z'benutze zum verstaa das vo de Sicht vom anderä Mänsch, mini Interessä nöd wichtiger sind als sini Eigenä - also träffe mär ois doch zäme i de Mitti.
Dass isch grundlegends Verständniss und en erschte chliine Schritt zum d'Wält für all äs bizzli fairer z'mache.
Näbed derä chlize chliine Sach mues ich allne Respäkt zolle - Lichess isch würkli a grossi Komiunitii und ä grossi Familiä.
Iär sind all supäär! Dimi

(This is what I speak every day - Swiss-German (Schwiitzerdüütsch) :)

Ich versuech alles in Änglisch z'schriibe, damit mich so vill wiä möglich verstönd. Näbed em Änglish sprich ich Düütsch und es bizzli Französisch - also nöd vill Alternatiive für mich. Falls anderi verschiedeni Spraache verwändet, isch's absolut ok für mich. Ich verstaa's eifach nöd genauso wiä sie mich nöd verstönd.
Aber mir redät all Schach - mit oisere Fascination für's Spiil und durch oisi Bewegige uf em Schachbrätt - die schön Spraach isch Globaal.

Are you talking about other players asking in tournament chats that everyone else talk in English? If so just ignore them, they are just trolls and their words have no weight to them.
No - they are not always trolls - also serious players, friends of me who support Lichess for a long time - miss calculate this theme sometimes. I can't ignore little things like that - because bigger things will grow out of it...
I just wanted to set the thought here because in the chat is not enough space, time, and not the write place.

Well, there is nothing that can be done about those players. Asking others to speak your own language in the chat does not in any way violate Lichess rules. I’m not saying it’s not disrespectful, but it’s not severe enough to be a punishable offence.
I Think That write in English in an international Chat is a question of politeness, everyone could want Read, is simply this. .

Many People in a Room, is Good manner talk a language Who everyone can understand

Then in someone don t know English language is not a problem

I dont Think is racism. . It is simply a question of Good manner , People May want Read What You write

Sry for My bad English, i m Trying to improve it
  A caveat re. your chosen title: People of many different races can all speak the same language; likewise, there are many more human languages than sub-races of the human race; therefore, language has nothing, whatsoever to do with race, as such.
  That said, most languages are geographically confined. English is one of the very few that are spoken internationally; and of these, it’s the most popular in the West. (Where Lichess is hosted.) Many Europeans speak multiple languages, but English is almost always one of them. For better or worse then, it’s the natural choice for a default / standard on international forums such as this.
  I doubt any offense is ever intended by those who ask you to speak English, if you are able to do so. It is certainly not a racist request on their part; that is not only patent nonsense (per my caveat), but very uncharitable of you to imply. Indeed, your title is more than a stretch; it strikes me as highly inappropriate. I know you mean well, but you go too far. However ironically, in casting this aspersion, it is you who appear to transgress. Likewise, if you speak another language here when you are able to speak English, you are the one being less inclusive, and seeming to give the rest of us the cold shoulder.
  I personally don’t mind if you type in another tongue, as I can always use Google Translate to figure out the gist of what you were saying. But this is an extra step, which ought to be unnecessary provided you can speak English, if only because that’s what most of us here are already speaking. So it’s purely a question of convenience & courtesy. I can assure you very few people here are deliberately being rude to you. Please don’t let those who are spoil this site for you; and please, be more respectful of the majority in the future. (Again, I know you mean well. I forgive you for implying that I am a “racist” because of my preference for speaking English — of all things.)

If it's a very active chat, I can see some idea in it. Many gaming servers have a policy of "English only in public chats" because breaks in a language that most in the chat can't comprehend or even read, might have a trolling flavor to it. Confer talking loudly with your friend in a secret language while others in the room are trying to have a meeting. However if there isn't much happening in the chat anyway, there should be no problem.
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