
With what grandmaster does my game style most resembles with?

To look for your biggest weakness, select your worst games, not your best games.
@AcabaComigo actually i just saw that you posted a bullet game, this ego to show a bullet game, thinking it resembles a gm game. You sure have what it takes to become gm.
We are working on an AI model that uses Deep Learning to find What's your style... will keep you posted
Go to sites like and
Look up your favourite openings and make 3 lists of about 10-15 international players each who use those openings a lot (with white, with black against e4, with black against d4)
Next, look for names that appear on the 3 lists and download some of their games.
See if you like their style. If you do, you have a match.

This takes some time, and you shouldn't limit yourself to the games played by that GM.
But finding this person can be a great motivator to start studying GM games.
For me personally, it was/is Aleksey Dreev.

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