
How to be 2000 easily?

It's not easy to become an expert in any field. This is why it's not normal to easily make it to a rating of 2000.
The easy route is playing lower rated players. I bit like doing puzzles. You hand pick them. Try checkmates in two, until your rating reaches 2000. It only proves you can see at a depth of two.

Use the Quick pairing Custom setting. Set the rating range to: -0 / +200 max.
As you win those players your rating will increase and if you don't it will decrease and you will get paired by others according to your new rating. So there is no need to set the rating below -0. The is no need to raise the rating much higher that 200 either. If the opponent loses it will only hurt their rating more and cause instabilities in the rating system. OTB tournaments have chess categories and are normally in increments of 200. Use the OTB chess tournaments as an example to set your rating ranges.
First and most important aspect is to stop thinking of chess as a race. Then half the job is done!
@Akbar2thegreat I have never seen chess as a race. Be sure of that. Only the difference between 1000 and 2000 is important. Otherwise, chess is of course not a race.
@truvasatranc said in #44:
> I have never seen chess as a race. Be sure of that. Only the difference between 1000 and 2000 is important. Otherwise, chess is of course not a race.
Good then.
But you need to adjust things accordingly.
You can directly set your mind for a rating of 2000 to achieve.
Do it in phases, reach 1500, 1600, etc step by step with understanding.
And there's no easy way, our just need your will to make a way.
@AsDaGo said in #22:
> You're one to talk. You're the guy who always uses "I" instead of "l"!

Yep thats right, this comes from becuz i spiIIed beer over my keyboard, the "I" doesnt work so it is a substitute for it
@LStein said in #47:
> Yep thats right, this comes from becuz i spiIIed beer over my keyboard, the "I" doesnt work so it is a substitute for it

Wait, if the "I" key doesn't work, how are you typing it? ;-)

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