
Im bored of chess.... After so much time I spent on this game.

@Bbao23 said in #4:
> It's understandable to feel that way after investing so much time in a single activity.
> If you want to reignite your passion, consider the following steps I've experienced:
> 1. Join Chess Tournaments (OTB)
> When I join in tournaments, I actively study and review chess games, which motivates me to explore new aspects of chess. Regardless of the outcome, it always rejuvenates my interest.
> 2. Try New Openings
> I played e4 openings because I thought it was my forte, but repetition led to boredom. However, I hesitated to change my style until I boldly ventured into d4 openings (i hated). It turned out d4 offered strategic depth as well. Sometime, i play openings like Flank openings or gambits ( Wings, Evans,..) excitement and expanded my chess perspective.
> (Note: Experimenting with new openings online is recommended, as losses only affect your Elo rating. In serious tournaments, stick to your most confident openings.)
> 3. Take Breaks
> Taking breaks allows my mind to relax, leading to more enjoyable games and even improvement upon returning. It's essential for maintaining enthusiasm and progress in chess.
> Hope it helps you :)

hello, thanks for the advice, I will make sure to follow it. I myself am a hardcore e4 guy so I guess i should try d4 having only played it when i was 1700 last time. The only problem with playing OTB is that where I live, chess tournaments barely happen, they are costly and also the fact that 1600-1700s here are 2300 makes me feel a little dissapointed that im only 1500 when i should be 1700-1800 elsewhere. Ive only played a few tournaments, so i guess playing moree should help me get the feel of irl chess. Honestly, once i reached 1900 an year ago, I didnt study anything at all. No puzzles nothing only playing again and again except a few openings here and there. And though it did help me understand the game better as I improved my positional skills, now though my positional skills easily better than 2200, my other parts of the game are sub par. For the past 6 months the only fun thing ive done in chess was create a smurf acc to troll 1700s. Anyway now that ive done rambling, thanks for the advice, I will try to follow what uve said.

BTW, i noticed that you played my 3 months ago in blitz and won me haha, now im 2200 blitz maybe i can draw? 1v1 me sometime pls. @Bbao23
@ThunderClap said in #6:
> Inspirational works on Chess need attention also ... Years ago chess books nlike the golden treasury of chess ... battle/march of chess ideas ... chess for tigers etc etc were used but out of date now . Steve Giddins October 2022 Wrote a Chess Book called The most Exciting Chess Games Ever please check it out @Chesss_Is_The_Life
Ok, thanks for the idea. I will sure try read this book and get back to you about it. Thanks so much for taking time to message me!
@CSKA_Moscou said in #7:
> as a retired gamer, (wot, fc mobile, Brawl stars) my only advice would be to consider chess as a game but to work mentally to forget the harmful effects of the rating. you risk becoming depressed or addicted if your only goal is to achieve a rating. work and don't worry about the rating, the rating will come to you when you are ready enough. in the meantime enjoy and play a lot
Ok! nice idea, imma just use the remove rating button, thanks for the idea!
@EvilPyrokar said in #9:
> Where's the issue, just do something else....
No way u dont understand, I have spent too much time on chess to not keep going at least until I achive my goal of getting a title.
there was aldo a book by A Suetin Plan Like A GM that to me made a lot of sense with many games under 40 moves ... THAT book you probably don't need to read the whole book @Chesss_Is_The_Life
@gilligan841 said in #10:
> We need change in our life.
> If one only plays chess, he's gonna get bored at one time or another. I suggest one adds something else,
> For example, he can play chess, then play Elden Ring, then come back to chess, then come back to Elden Ring, then come back to chess, then come back to Elden Ring, echo, echo, echo...
I guess thats not too bad of an idea ill make sure to try it!. Thanks for helping me out!

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