
Easy 2400 rated puzzle

not true, you have to calculate that immidiate h6 on move 2 doesnt work
because king will capture the pawn when it will promote
pawn h6 - king f7
pawn h7 - king g7 and pawn will be captured anyway
If you, or I, find some 2400 rated problems easier than others, then the thing to do is to look and see why we're finding certain ones difficult that other people can solve.

Because LiChess as a whole, finds all 2400 rated problems equally hard.
Well, there is no need in calculating h6, because Kf4 wins that easy. This is due to Zugzwang, black simply has only bad moves left to play. If you spot this there is no need to calculate a single line. It is obvious Kf4 is the best move for white, there is even no need to calculate this one if you spot the Zugzwang.. If you spot a move you are sure it is the best one, play it and stop calculation. Spent your time on moves where you are not sure that they are winning or the best ones in a given position.
Of course be sure that your choosen move is really the best one - mistakes could expensive....
its easy
anyone who learned opposition should probably know this

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