
Chess openings

@TheKingClash said in #10:
> I would suggest sticking to the same openings you already play, because you already have lots of experience in the openings you already play, and know the lines and main plans. Perhaps you should study your current openings in more detail, but you really shouldn't change to another opening and start again by learning the line and plans
i also do
I think colle or catalan as white and as black the opening depends on white's first move .
@Kirosch said in #16:
> This is bad advice for an opening because both opponents made a lot of mistakes,
> maybe it's useful as a deterrent for beginners
Maybe but, I like this opening some one dislike this opening
All opening is very nice
Ruy Lopez
Sicilian Kan
Rosentreter Gambit
Stafford Gambit
Or, another opening is nice.

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