
Cheaters in Lichess?

Not a charge I ever expect to be levied in my direction. The suspicion I am playing whilst drunk may have merit.

I just do not understand cheating. No money or birds in it for the cheater as far as I can tell, so what is the point?
Well i like your comment the best. What is the point? How is it any harm to me anyway yes!! Thanks exactly what I was looking for, it's none of my concern too. Let them be it
@Erosann_in Not that I good enough but I expect it must be intensely satisfying to play against a suspected cheat and still win!
Please use then let the mods deal with it. There is no reason to complain about someone cheating if they are not cheating. When accusing someone of cheating, at least check the move times, analysis board, and your opponent's other games. Have gathered evidence, and then report. Even then, it's the mod's decision

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