
Be honest

I've been playing chess for 14 years on and off, been studying Fischer's 60 memorable games and Silman's Reassess Your Chess. I should really just quit chess after this blunder at this point. Be honest.

Edit: If anyone in england wants to buy a copy of Fischer's 60 memorable games or Silman's Reassess your chess, let me know.
I am not sure what exactly you are after. If it is just to advertise your chess books for sale then ebay might get you a bigger audience. If it because you blundered: that happens to all of us. World champion Wladimir Kramnik blundered a mate in 1 against the computer. Did he give up chess because of that? So that leaves us with two possible explanations: you want someone to hold your hand and soothe your frustration. Sorry, not going to happen here. I might be inclined to do so if i would know you but i dont - and that is probably true for all the others here too.

That leaves: you want to inform us about your decision to give up chess. Well, chess is about taking responsibility for your own actions and decisions. You have lost, so do something about the reason so that it doesn't happen again. If you are unwilling to put in the work and/or assess your shortcomings: good riddance. Chess (or anything else involving skill and understanding) is probably not for you.

@krasnaya bit of a difference blundering mate in 1, and blundering a bishop in the opening in the easiest opening to play. And that's after spending time actually studying. So I'll ask again, that's worth quitting, right?
'Chess is not for the faint hearted'
- an excerpt from a quote of Wilhelm Steinitz
Instead of resigning like an honorable person on the 9th move, you decided to be a poor sport and continue the game to make it appear like a mouse slip decided the game (and a feeble attempt at that). Since I don't care for this attitude, I approve of you quitting this game, and I hope that includes posting in these forums.
Are you playing for fun, or only to be competitive? If you are only playing for fun, then how well you play doesn't matter.

There's definitely no point at which someone is 'bad enough to need to quit'.
I know this silly but y not u try white gambit sometimes, after several play u can mix gambit with Orthodox opening. Consider it trial and error by unrated games. Should be fun yo
Jonesmh one should never resign
You never know when your losing game becomes a draw by stalemate(happened with me thrice)
Since its online your opponent might also get disconnected

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